All About Detox Diet

Detox is a short term used for detoxification. The process can be defined as the body's natural method of removing waste materials or toxins from the body. Toxins are usually transformed in to certain less harmful compounds and eliminated in the form of stools or urine.

There are several toxins that enter in to the body from external sources such as pesticides, drugs, pollution, cigarettes smoke, food additives and household cleaners. These elements enter our body when we inhale or ingest them.

Detox diet can be defined as a diet plan for a type of treatment that helps eliminating waste materials or toxins from our body to maintain good health.

Detox diets are of different types. All these diets work towards providing high fiber, vitamins, nutrients and oxidants to the body to facilitate good frequency of bowel movements and urination. These diets also reduce the amount of chemicals ingested in to the body.

There are several benefits of a detox diet. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy:

- Enhanced energy

- Clear skin.

- Regular bowel movements

- Improved digestion

- Enhanced concentration

- Overall clarity of body

Before going for a detox diet it is very important for you to consult a qualified and veteran health professional or a medical doctor. If you are pregnant or nursing women or children shouldn't go on a detox diet. People who are anemia, diabetes, eating disorder, thyroid disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, certain genetic diseases, terminal illness and other chronic conditions.

People with some specific illness are not supported to go on a detox diet. Remember that detoxification is not included for alcohol or drug detoxification.

People should go detox diet because a growing body of research suggests that the kind of chemicals we ingest in our body vi a food, water and air gets deposited in fat cells in our bodies. These days, most of us tend to eat foods that lack nutrients that may also impair our natural ability of the body to detoxify chemicals. This leads to accumulation of toxins in the body.

This lead suffered by the body is known as the body burden. Experts call this burden an illness that has been associated to impaired immune function, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency and reduced metabolism. One can even suffer from indigestion, fatigue, muscle pain and bad breath.

Since detox diets are helpful in eliminating toxins from the body. When on a detox diet people are supposed to consume only fruits, vegetables and unprocessed natural food. You can even go for fresh homemade vegetables on a detox diet. These diets are known to exterminate toxins from environment that can be transferred to body from food, water and air.

In a detox diet, one is supported to consume abou t 600-750 kcal on a daily basis. However, one cannot have meat, fish, alcohol and stimulants such as coffee. The diet that contains fruits, meat and vegetables in equal proportions is a healthy diet.

Juice fasting is also a good detox diet. Make sure that you stay away from processed foods.

Once you complete a detox diet successfully, you will be able to remove a number of illnesses like weight gain, dull skin, fatigue cellulite, aches and pains and even lowered immunity.

Want to Discover the Key Element in the Best Detox Program Money Can Buy?

Are you frustrated with the many detox programs on the market that promise near instant results? They claim that if you use their product, you will be feeling better within hours. Unfortunately, detoxification is an ongoing process. It is like a diet in a way. A diet should not be a crash course in self starvation until you reach your ideal weight, you will only go right back to the way you were eating. Likewise, you don't drink a cup of tea or take a pill, and your body has been detoxified. Anyone who claims this is selling something besides a detox program. The best detox program is one that you start, and stick with, just like a healthy diet.

Because our body needs a certain amount of water each day, it is the most important part of any detox program. You have heard the saying "You are what you eat", well the same goes for water. Your body needs clean pure water to function properly.

Detox with Pure Water.

One of the best detox programs you can enter into is detoxing with pure water. Pure water encourages your body's organs to function smoothly and at their full potential. When your organs are running well, especially your liver, kidneys, and digestive system, your body can expel toxins and utilize nutrition to the fullest extent.

Pure water is also crucial in the rest of your body. Your joints need good water to function smoothly, your brain needs water for functioning and protection, and to regulate our body temperature we need constant hydration. It just makes sense that detoxing with pure water is the best detox program you can do for your body. There is no part of your body that does not benefit from it.

Bottled Water is No Substitute for Pure Water.

One thing to keep in mind is that bottled water is not the optimum water to drink, especially for health and detoxing. Often, bottled water carries just as many contaminates as tap water, which is distressing considering how much they charge for it! The water to use for the best detox program results is from a filtration system in your home. These can be installed fairly inexpensively, and can be for just your sink, just your shower, or for your whole house.

Make sure your Water contains Natural Minerals.

If you pick the right filtration system, it will leave in the naturally occurring minerals that you should get in your water. Many systems take these out, which is not optimal for detoxing or health. A good system should remove all chemicals and heavy metals as well. There is little point in drinking water that is putting toxins right back into your body.

Whole-Home Filtration Gives You The Maximum Benefits.

If you are able to install a whole-home filtration system, do so. The best detox program is one where you not only drink pure water, but you cook with it. This way you do not add toxins in to your food. You also bathe in it. When you bathe in regular water, the metals and chemicals in it can be absorbed through your skin. When you bathe in pure, untainted water, that is all your skin is absorbing, and it can create a marked difference. You will enjoy more radiant skin and softer, stronger hair.

So there you have it, when you are looking for the best detox program, don't look for expensive products that can have unwanted side effects. Look for a pure method that encourages health in every aspect. You only have to look as far as your kitchen sink for an effective detox program that is easy to maintain day after day.

Paul Wilton is a researcher of home water filter products for today's consumer. To discover the cutting edge technology and the benefits of filtered water visit his site now at

Acai Berry Detox - Acai Berry Vs Fat Loss Pills - Which is Best?

In this article we would be comparing the acai berry detox weight loss supplements with the ordinary fat loss pills. If you want to lose weight at warp speed, you should try and read through carefully.

The Natural Effect

The acai berry supplements are made from the world famous acai fruit. This fruit is supposed to be found deep in the Amazonian rain forests of Brazil. It so happens that this fruit has to be first processed and then supplied in the form of edible supplements. The supplements are completely natural. On the other hand, the general weight loss pills are chemical based and they can adversely affect a human body.

The Long Term Effect

The acai berries are made in such a manner that you can hope to loose weight at warp speed. People loose as much as one pound of body fat per day using the acai weight loss supplement. On the other hand, the general fat loss pills have been known to flush the existing water from within the human body. This water is definitely not fat and after a few days, when you stop using the pills, you regain the lost water and become fat again.

The Cost Factor

The acai supplement is cost effective and people who are habitual of using the acai berries to loose weight have managed to do so by making optimum use of the free trial packs. The general fat loss pills, on the other hand, are fairly expensive and need to be taken on a regular basis.

If you want to loose weight at warp speed, you need to try and make the choice of your supplements with utmost care.

Grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs have been used successfully by millions of weight loss enthusiasts and recommended by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Oz.

Acai Berry Detox - What is the Acai Berry Detox Secret Weight Loss Formula?

Have you tried to find the acai berry detox secret fat loss formula? Well, if you have used the acai berry detox weight loss supplement before but are not aware of its functionality, simply read this article carefully. It would open your eyes into the brand new world of effective weight loss products.

1. It Burns Body Fat

You would wonder what is so special about burning body fat as all weight loss supplements are meant to burn the excessive fat content from a human body. But do they really burn fat? Well, most fat loss pills simply flush out the extra water from within your body and do nothing to your fat content. This is why you never really loose weight using ordinary fat loss pills. On the other hand, the acai detox supplement first segregates the human fat before burning it at warp speed.

2. It Improves Your Metabolism

If you really want to flush out harmful fat content from your body, you need to have a sound metabolism. When your metabolism refuses to work, you tend to burn calories at a slower pace. You therefore end up getting obese. An acai berry detox supplement on the other hand has the ability to burn your body fat at warp speed. This happens because it has the ability to flush out harmful toxins from within your body. Once your body is devoid of toxins, your metabolism automatically speeds up. This results in rapid calorie burning and you loose weight.

I have personally used the acai berry detox weight loss suppleemnt and lost 32 pounds of body fat. I firmly believe that the acai supplement is undoubtedly the most suitable means of burning body fat at warp speed.

Hi, I'm Janet Pierce and I invite you to grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs helped me lose 32 pounds in 30 days. I'm sure they'd work wonders for you as well.

Drug Detox: A Likely Future For The Next Generation

It's been a boom decade for investors in pharmaceuticals since the marketing of antidepressants was sold to the world as a panacea for childhood "disorders." The drugging of children - from infants to teenagers - with mind-altering "psychoactive" drugs has become an epidemic in the Western world, so commonplace, in fact, that even family doctors are prescribing antidepressants for conditions as trivial as bed-wetting. If this generation of kids can survive the torrent of pharmaceuticals coming at them, millions are going to be prime candidates for drug detox.

The problem of over-medicating children exists wherever the long arm of psychiatry and pharmaceuticals can reach - which is nearly everywhere in the world. Doctors are treating so-called emotional and mental problems by handing out antidepressants as a cure-all. Those of us old enough to remember may recall family physicians who listened to and talked with patients rather than setting them up for a future that included drug detox.

In the UK a new report shows that the number of prescriptions for anti-depressants and other mind-altering drugs given to children under the age of 16 has more than quadrupled in the past decade. In New Zealand, the number of antidepressants prescribed to kids in one typical school district more than doubled between 2000 and 2005, and the story is much the same across Europe and the USA, where prescriptions, on average, have doubled or tripled. In America, antidepressants and similar drugs have been associated with the dozens of school shootings across the country, events which may have been preventable if the troubled teens had received drug detox, rehab and some decent counseling.

Long suppressed scientific evidence from clinical trials shows that children on psychoactive drugs can become aggressive, hostile, anxious and manic, and have been put at a twofold greater suicide risk than those treated with a sugar pill. For example, 16-year-old Sharise Gatchell of Sussex was prescribed an antidepressant because she was shy. She soon suffered from dramatic personality swings, becoming hostile and aggressive, and started to self-harm, all recognized SSRI side-effects. Sharon stopped the drugs, but never received drug detox. Two years later she sought a new prescription herself and, shortly thereafter, hung herself in her parent's home.

"Anti-depressants do not work in this age group," says UK child psychiatrist Dr Sammi Timimi. "There have been several double-blind placebo trials which uniformly show that sugar pills worked just as well as the SSRIs." Timimi adds that the practice has become institutionalized. "It's a triumph of marketing over science."

Parents, teachers, counselors and friends should beware of putting kids on psychoactive medications. The known side-effects and withdrawal symptoms of mood- and mind-altering drugs can be effectively reduced or eliminated through a well-designed medical drug detox program and, if necessary, drug rehab. Help get our kids off drugs today. Don't set them up for a future of dependency on dangerous drugs.

Demand For Detox Coming From People in All Walks of Life

Last December, in the quiet Massachusetts town of Hyannis on Cape Cod, Jordan Mendes, a 16-year-old high school sophomore, was shot, stabbed multiple times, and his corpse then dumped in a deep pit in the woods and set on fire. Charged for the murder are his 13-year-old half-brother, a 13-year-old friend, and a 20-year-old community college student.

According to Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O'Keefe, Mendes was a "significant drug dealer" of the highly addictive opioid painkiller OxyContin, a drug that is implicated in hundreds of overdose deaths, thousands of addictions across the country, and soaring demands for OxyContin detox and rehab programs from people of all ages and walks of life.

The teenager was murdered, the D.A. said, for the $10,000 cash he had on hand that he had earned peddling drugs.

OxyContin, closely related to morphine and heroin, is normally prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain. The drug comes in time-release tablets of varying strengths, but most addicts crush the tablets to defeat the time release mechanism, and snort or inject the drug for a quicker high.

In West Yarmouth, not far from where 16-year-old Jordan Mendes was dealing OxyContin, Benjamin Carpenter and his wife Valarie Campos were arrested for dealing OxyContin, which police allege they sold to support their own OxyContin addictions. The couple raked in more than $500,000 during 2007 and 2008 selling OxyContin, said the cops. At $6 to $20 a pill, depending on its strength, that's a lot of deadly OxyContin reaching the streets.

If you average the cost at $13 a pill, Carpenter and Campos put more than 38,460 OxyContin tablets into illegal circulation. The Drug Enforcement Administration says OxyContin is diverted by "well-organized doctor shopping rings, forged and/or altered prescriptions, and diversion from individuals' prescriptions."

We don't know where Carpenter and Campos got their illicit supplies, and the exact amount of OxyContin being diverted for illicit drug sales across America, is not public knowledge. But it must be a staggering number, when you consider that OxyContin is now commonly available from drug dealers on the streets and in the schools of almost every city and town in the country.

Perhaps Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the drug's maker, knows how much of its deadly painkiller is reaching the wrong people, but they aren't saying. Purdue, you may recall, was fined $634 million by the government last year for lying to officials about how addictive and dangerous OxyContin really is.

On the streets, heroin addicts who already have high opioid tolerances routinely take OxyContin as a temporary fix when they can't find a source for heroin. Some reportedly stay with OxyContin as a permanent drug of choice. OxyContin is essentially heroin or morphine, but because it hasn't been cut with unknown amounts of unknown substances, addicts feel safer with OxyContin -- they know how much heroin-like drug they're getting, and it's pure.

But detox centers report that OxyContin isn't just being abused by hard-core heroin addicts. The drug is affecting everyone from white-collar executives to medical professionals to veterans to college students, teenagers and even seniors and sub-teens -- they're all turning up in increasing numbers needing detox.

Quite a few people with legal prescriptions for OxyContin, who take it to manage real pain, have become physically dependent on OxyContin. The number of such people needing detox programs in the last few years has risen significantly.

But far too many people, whether using OxyContin legally or abusing it recreationally, are finding out how rapidly it can take over their lives. OxyContin abuse rapidly progresses from physical dependence to addiction, along with all the life-destroying activity that accompanies it -- alienated family and friends, lost jobs, ruined health, and too often a life of crime to support an increasingly costly habit.

As with any opioid, OxyContin use and abuse leads to higher and higher tolerance for the drug and its effects. As tolerance rises, dosages must rise too, reaching levels that would be fatal for someone being exposed to opioids the first time. Deaths from OxyContin overdose are routinely reported in the media, especially among teens and young adults who don't realize how deadly the drug can be.

For anyone who really wants to get their life back, recovery begins with withdrawal from the drug, which is safest if it is a supervised medical detox program. If the problem is a serious OxyContin addiction, a drug rehab program would be recommended after the detox.

Rod MacTaggart is a freelance writer who contributes articles on health.

Acai Berry Detox - Never Do This If You Want to Cure Obesity With Acai Berry Detox

Acai berry detox is an easy way to cure obesity. If you are suffering from obesity, you can always use the acai berry detox weight loss formula. I used the acai berries supplement and lost 32 pounds of raw fat. But you need to be careful while using the acai supplement. Here is what you need to avoid while using the acai fruit to loose the unwanted pounds of body fat.

1. Stop Using Fat Loss Pills

If you really want to cure obesity using the miraculous acai berries weight loss supplement, you need to avoid using another fat loss pill. Most people try and mix two different fat loss supplements for best results. This needs to be avoided at all costs while using acai berries.

2. Never Ignore Your Weekly Stats

If you want to loose weight at warp speed, you need to maintain your weekly stats. If you do not maintain records, you can never really gauge your performance. For example, when I had started using the acai berries weight loss supplement, I used to monitor my weight every week. It was only when I started to realize that I was loosing weight on a daily basis that I was motivated to loose more.

3. Always Use The Prescribed Doses

In order to loose weight, you need to take the prescribed acai doses. Take a close look at the leaflet which you get along with the bottle and follow the doses as mentioned. If you lower the doses or increase them, you may never really be able to get the desired results. I stuck to the prescribed doses and lost over 32 pounds of body fat. You could do the same.

If you want to cure obesity using the acai berry detox supplement, you need to avoid using another fat loss pill, avoid ignoring your weekly progress and avoid ignoring your prescribed doses. If you follow these simple steps, you can cure your obesity like I did. In fact, you can loose your body weight at warp speed.

Hi, I'm Janet Pierce and I invite you to grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs helped me loose 32 pounds in 30 days. I'm sure they'd work wonders for you as well.