Best THC Detox Methods

Best THC Detox Methods

You are wondering what the best THC detox method is. Well my question for you is how fast do you need to detox? Are you being tested for THC and need to have it flushed from your system?

Lets get a few facts on where THC is stored in your body. THC likes to attach itself to body fat. That is the main location. It will be found in urine, blood, and hair. For normal tests that you take, a normal THC detox will work as long as you take it the recommended days before your test. Because THC is also stored in hair follices, a normal THC detox will not work. Especially with girls because their hair is so long, they might not realize that their head is a weed smoking time line. They can examine hair and see on a time scale how many times a person has smoked weed. If you aren't able to just shave your head, then a THC shampoo can remove the chemical.

If you are looking for a THC detox that will flush the chemical from your body fast, then the traditional water and cranberry juice thc detox will not work for you.

Just about every person who is looking for a THC (the chemical from marijuana or also called weed) is trying to flush it out of their system before they have to take a THC test.

The best piece of information you should know, is that those 24 hour THC detox drinks do not actually flush THC from your body. They mask the chemical from the tests so you appear to be clean. Do not think that because you took that THC drink detox that you are clean and end up taking another test in say a week or two, because you will test positive. It is only good for a number of hours before it is ineffective.

Some of the best THC detox methods that actually remove the chemical from your body and urine are all natural THC detox pills. They are a blend of natural herbs and shoved into a pill. They time frame for the THC to flush out of you is about 7 days give or take 2 days depending on the product you choose. It helps out a lot to drink a lot of water with whatever detox you take.

Another method to detox the THC from your body is to drink a lot of water, followed by a smaller portion of cranberry juice. Time frame for this is not exactly a fact, but it has been said around a week can do this.

The last way is removing THC from your hair with shampoo. This is not the average shampoo you find in markets. It will cost a decent amount, but it will get the job done. Besides cutting your hair off, this is the only method.

If you are about to be tested for THC and if you test positive, ultimate consequences will come, then you should use the fail safe method. A THC kit will come with the 24 hour flush drink, hair shampoo, all natural THC detox pills, and a home THC test. This is basically for the people who cannot afford to risk testing positive.