When Constipation Won’t Let Extra Baggage Budge, Diet Pills Will

I recently noticed my neighbor's 180-pound 'fudge cake-display' gone. She proudly showed off her 'glam momma' figure. All she had done was fix her constipation.

Experts say at least 2% of Americans suffer weight gain because of poor bowel movement. Ten to 15 undigested meals could be sitting right now in your stomach as you sweat it out in the gym to no avail.

Consider yourself to be suffering from constipation if you pass hard stools more than 25% of the time and suffer incomplete evacuation. Also, if bowel movement is strained and occurs only three or fewer times a week then, you've got constipation for sure. You may also suffer pain and swelling of the abdomen.

Why you?

Inadequate intake of water and fiber in the diet, disruption of regular eating schedule, sedentary lifestyle and stomach disorders lead to constipation in otherwise healthy adults. Traveling often disrupts proper bowel movements and you must take extra care of what you eat while away from home.

Preventing constipation

A fiber-rich diet is a sure way to prevent constipation. Water and fiber help the colon flush out properly. A good diet must include fruits, vegetables and cereals. You can add whole-grain bread if you wish. Keep your body hydrated properly with at least 7-12 glasses of water a day. All these will help you prevent constipation and keep those pounds from piling up.

Curing constipation

In case you do have constipation, it is best to begin by drinking two-four glasses of water more than you usually do. Take warm water with a bit of honey and lemon first thing in the morning and consider detox program.

Detox programs

Health spas and clinics are offering enema sessions to physically clear up the rectum. Colon cleansing should be performed by experts at a spa where you are assured of proper sterilization of the water to be used and monitoring of your blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It is much too cumbersome to try physical colon cleansing at home.

Cleansing your colon with laxatives and detox diet pills can be the easier option. Not only do these pills flush out unwanted toxins and undigested food from the colon, they also boost energy levels and the metabolic rate.

You needn't even pour harmful chemicals into your system as the best detox pills are those that come with herbal ingredients. Medical experts are increasingly raving about the benefits of a powerful detox natural ingredient called the Acai berry harvested in the Amazon rain forests. It has even been featured on Oprah as a weight-loss supplement ingredient.

The Acai berry pulp contains vitamins A, B, C, and E, is a rich source of proteins, fibers and essential amino acids. These have added health benefits.

Combining a detox schedule with proper diet and a regular exercise program will surely give you the body you have always desired. However, detox diet pills with natural ingredients may be costly and though, they won't have any side-effects, it is still best to consult your doctor before picking up some bottles.