Detox is a short term used for detoxification. The process can be defined as the body's natural method of removing waste materials or toxins from the body. Toxins are usually transformed in to certain less harmful compounds and eliminated in the form of stools or urine.
There are several toxins that enter in to the body from external sources such as pesticides, drugs, pollution, cigarettes smoke, food additives and household cleaners. These elements enter our body when we inhale or ingest them.
Detox diet can be defined as a diet plan for a type of treatment that helps eliminating waste materials or toxins from our body to maintain good health.
Detox diets are of different types. All these diets work towards providing high fiber, vitamins, nutrients and oxidants to the body to facilitate good frequency of bowel movements and urination. These diets also reduce the amount of chemicals ingested in to the body.
There are several benefits of a detox diet. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy:
- Enhanced energy
- Clear skin.
- Regular bowel movements
- Improved digestion
- Enhanced concentration
- Overall clarity of body
Before going for a detox diet it is very important for you to consult a qualified and veteran health professional or a medical doctor. If you are pregnant or nursing women or children shouldn't go on a detox diet. People who are anemia, diabetes, eating disorder, thyroid disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, certain genetic diseases, terminal illness and other chronic conditions.
People with some specific illness are not supported to go on a detox diet. Remember that detoxification is not included for alcohol or drug detoxification.
People should go detox diet because a growing body of research suggests that the kind of chemicals we ingest in our body vi a food, water and air gets deposited in fat cells in our bodies. These days, most of us tend to eat foods that lack nutrients that may also impair our natural ability of the body to detoxify chemicals. This leads to accumulation of toxins in the body.
This lead suffered by the body is known as the body burden. Experts call this burden an illness that has been associated to impaired immune function, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency and reduced metabolism. One can even suffer from indigestion, fatigue, muscle pain and bad breath.
Since detox diets are helpful in eliminating toxins from the body. When on a detox diet people are supposed to consume only fruits, vegetables and unprocessed natural food. You can even go for fresh homemade vegetables on a detox diet. These diets are known to exterminate toxins from environment that can be transferred to body from food, water and air.
In a detox diet, one is supported to consume abou t 600-750 kcal on a daily basis. However, one cannot have meat, fish, alcohol and stimulants such as coffee. The diet that contains fruits, meat and vegetables in equal proportions is a healthy diet.
Juice fasting is also a good detox diet. Make sure that you stay away from processed foods.
Once you complete a detox diet successfully, you will be able to remove a number of illnesses like weight gain, dull skin, fatigue cellulite, aches and pains and even lowered immunity.
All About Detox Diet
Want to Discover the Key Element in the Best Detox Program Money Can Buy?
Because our body needs a certain amount of water each day, it is the most important part of any detox program. You have heard the saying "You are what you eat", well the same goes for water. Your body needs clean pure water to function properly.
Detox with Pure Water.
One of the best detox programs you can enter into is detoxing with pure water. Pure water encourages your body's organs to function smoothly and at their full potential. When your organs are running well, especially your liver, kidneys, and digestive system, your body can expel toxins and utilize nutrition to the fullest extent.
Pure water is also crucial in the rest of your body. Your joints need good water to function smoothly, your brain needs water for functioning and protection, and to regulate our body temperature we need constant hydration. It just makes sense that detoxing with pure water is the best detox program you can do for your body. There is no part of your body that does not benefit from it.
Bottled Water is No Substitute for Pure Water.
One thing to keep in mind is that bottled water is not the optimum water to drink, especially for health and detoxing. Often, bottled water carries just as many contaminates as tap water, which is distressing considering how much they charge for it! The water to use for the best detox program results is from a filtration system in your home. These can be installed fairly inexpensively, and can be for just your sink, just your shower, or for your whole house.
Make sure your Water contains Natural Minerals.
If you pick the right filtration system, it will leave in the naturally occurring minerals that you should get in your water. Many systems take these out, which is not optimal for detoxing or health. A good system should remove all chemicals and heavy metals as well. There is little point in drinking water that is putting toxins right back into your body.
Whole-Home Filtration Gives You The Maximum Benefits.
If you are able to install a whole-home filtration system, do so. The best detox program is one where you not only drink pure water, but you cook with it. This way you do not add toxins in to your food. You also bathe in it. When you bathe in regular water, the metals and chemicals in it can be absorbed through your skin. When you bathe in pure, untainted water, that is all your skin is absorbing, and it can create a marked difference. You will enjoy more radiant skin and softer, stronger hair.
So there you have it, when you are looking for the best detox program, don't look for expensive products that can have unwanted side effects. Look for a pure method that encourages health in every aspect. You only have to look as far as your kitchen sink for an effective detox program that is easy to maintain day after day.
Paul Wilton is a researcher of home water filter products for today's consumer. To discover the cutting edge technology and the benefits of filtered water visit his site now at
Acai Berry Detox - Acai Berry Vs Fat Loss Pills - Which is Best?
The Natural Effect
The acai berry supplements are made from the world famous acai fruit. This fruit is supposed to be found deep in the Amazonian rain forests of Brazil. It so happens that this fruit has to be first processed and then supplied in the form of edible supplements. The supplements are completely natural. On the other hand, the general weight loss pills are chemical based and they can adversely affect a human body.
The Long Term Effect
The acai berries are made in such a manner that you can hope to loose weight at warp speed. People loose as much as one pound of body fat per day using the acai weight loss supplement. On the other hand, the general fat loss pills have been known to flush the existing water from within the human body. This water is definitely not fat and after a few days, when you stop using the pills, you regain the lost water and become fat again.
The Cost Factor
The acai supplement is cost effective and people who are habitual of using the acai berries to loose weight have managed to do so by making optimum use of the free trial packs. The general fat loss pills, on the other hand, are fairly expensive and need to be taken on a regular basis.
If you want to loose weight at warp speed, you need to try and make the choice of your supplements with utmost care.
Grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs have been used successfully by millions of weight loss enthusiasts and recommended by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Oz.
Acai Berry Detox - What is the Acai Berry Detox Secret Weight Loss Formula?
1. It Burns Body Fat
You would wonder what is so special about burning body fat as all weight loss supplements are meant to burn the excessive fat content from a human body. But do they really burn fat? Well, most fat loss pills simply flush out the extra water from within your body and do nothing to your fat content. This is why you never really loose weight using ordinary fat loss pills. On the other hand, the acai detox supplement first segregates the human fat before burning it at warp speed.
2. It Improves Your Metabolism
If you really want to flush out harmful fat content from your body, you need to have a sound metabolism. When your metabolism refuses to work, you tend to burn calories at a slower pace. You therefore end up getting obese. An acai berry detox supplement on the other hand has the ability to burn your body fat at warp speed. This happens because it has the ability to flush out harmful toxins from within your body. Once your body is devoid of toxins, your metabolism automatically speeds up. This results in rapid calorie burning and you loose weight.
I have personally used the acai berry detox weight loss suppleemnt and lost 32 pounds of body fat. I firmly believe that the acai supplement is undoubtedly the most suitable means of burning body fat at warp speed.
Hi, I'm Janet Pierce and I invite you to grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs helped me lose 32 pounds in 30 days. I'm sure they'd work wonders for you as well.
Drug Detox: A Likely Future For The Next Generation
The problem of over-medicating children exists wherever the long arm of psychiatry and pharmaceuticals can reach - which is nearly everywhere in the world. Doctors are treating so-called emotional and mental problems by handing out antidepressants as a cure-all. Those of us old enough to remember may recall family physicians who listened to and talked with patients rather than setting them up for a future that included drug detox.
In the UK a new report shows that the number of prescriptions for anti-depressants and other mind-altering drugs given to children under the age of 16 has more than quadrupled in the past decade. In New Zealand, the number of antidepressants prescribed to kids in one typical school district more than doubled between 2000 and 2005, and the story is much the same across Europe and the USA, where prescriptions, on average, have doubled or tripled. In America, antidepressants and similar drugs have been associated with the dozens of school shootings across the country, events which may have been preventable if the troubled teens had received drug detox, rehab and some decent counseling.
Long suppressed scientific evidence from clinical trials shows that children on psychoactive drugs can become aggressive, hostile, anxious and manic, and have been put at a twofold greater suicide risk than those treated with a sugar pill. For example, 16-year-old Sharise Gatchell of Sussex was prescribed an antidepressant because she was shy. She soon suffered from dramatic personality swings, becoming hostile and aggressive, and started to self-harm, all recognized SSRI side-effects. Sharon stopped the drugs, but never received drug detox. Two years later she sought a new prescription herself and, shortly thereafter, hung herself in her parent's home.
"Anti-depressants do not work in this age group," says UK child psychiatrist Dr Sammi Timimi. "There have been several double-blind placebo trials which uniformly show that sugar pills worked just as well as the SSRIs." Timimi adds that the practice has become institutionalized. "It's a triumph of marketing over science."
Parents, teachers, counselors and friends should beware of putting kids on psychoactive medications. The known side-effects and withdrawal symptoms of mood- and mind-altering drugs can be effectively reduced or eliminated through a well-designed medical drug detox program and, if necessary, drug rehab. Help get our kids off drugs today. Don't set them up for a future of dependency on dangerous drugs.
Demand For Detox Coming From People in All Walks of Life
According to Cape and Islands District Attorney Michael O'Keefe, Mendes was a "significant drug dealer" of the highly addictive opioid painkiller OxyContin, a drug that is implicated in hundreds of overdose deaths, thousands of addictions across the country, and soaring demands for OxyContin detox and rehab programs from people of all ages and walks of life.
The teenager was murdered, the D.A. said, for the $10,000 cash he had on hand that he had earned peddling drugs.
OxyContin, closely related to morphine and heroin, is normally prescribed for moderate to severe chronic pain. The drug comes in time-release tablets of varying strengths, but most addicts crush the tablets to defeat the time release mechanism, and snort or inject the drug for a quicker high.
In West Yarmouth, not far from where 16-year-old Jordan Mendes was dealing OxyContin, Benjamin Carpenter and his wife Valarie Campos were arrested for dealing OxyContin, which police allege they sold to support their own OxyContin addictions. The couple raked in more than $500,000 during 2007 and 2008 selling OxyContin, said the cops. At $6 to $20 a pill, depending on its strength, that's a lot of deadly OxyContin reaching the streets.
If you average the cost at $13 a pill, Carpenter and Campos put more than 38,460 OxyContin tablets into illegal circulation. The Drug Enforcement Administration says OxyContin is diverted by "well-organized doctor shopping rings, forged and/or altered prescriptions, and diversion from individuals' prescriptions."
We don't know where Carpenter and Campos got their illicit supplies, and the exact amount of OxyContin being diverted for illicit drug sales across America, is not public knowledge. But it must be a staggering number, when you consider that OxyContin is now commonly available from drug dealers on the streets and in the schools of almost every city and town in the country.
Perhaps Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the drug's maker, knows how much of its deadly painkiller is reaching the wrong people, but they aren't saying. Purdue, you may recall, was fined $634 million by the government last year for lying to officials about how addictive and dangerous OxyContin really is.
On the streets, heroin addicts who already have high opioid tolerances routinely take OxyContin as a temporary fix when they can't find a source for heroin. Some reportedly stay with OxyContin as a permanent drug of choice. OxyContin is essentially heroin or morphine, but because it hasn't been cut with unknown amounts of unknown substances, addicts feel safer with OxyContin -- they know how much heroin-like drug they're getting, and it's pure.
But detox centers report that OxyContin isn't just being abused by hard-core heroin addicts. The drug is affecting everyone from white-collar executives to medical professionals to veterans to college students, teenagers and even seniors and sub-teens -- they're all turning up in increasing numbers needing detox.
Quite a few people with legal prescriptions for OxyContin, who take it to manage real pain, have become physically dependent on OxyContin. The number of such people needing detox programs in the last few years has risen significantly.
But far too many people, whether using OxyContin legally or abusing it recreationally, are finding out how rapidly it can take over their lives. OxyContin abuse rapidly progresses from physical dependence to addiction, along with all the life-destroying activity that accompanies it -- alienated family and friends, lost jobs, ruined health, and too often a life of crime to support an increasingly costly habit.
As with any opioid, OxyContin use and abuse leads to higher and higher tolerance for the drug and its effects. As tolerance rises, dosages must rise too, reaching levels that would be fatal for someone being exposed to opioids the first time. Deaths from OxyContin overdose are routinely reported in the media, especially among teens and young adults who don't realize how deadly the drug can be.
For anyone who really wants to get their life back, recovery begins with withdrawal from the drug, which is safest if it is a supervised medical detox program. If the problem is a serious OxyContin addiction, a drug rehab program would be recommended after the detox.
Rod MacTaggart is a freelance writer who contributes articles on health.
Acai Berry Detox - Never Do This If You Want to Cure Obesity With Acai Berry Detox
1. Stop Using Fat Loss Pills
If you really want to cure obesity using the miraculous acai berries weight loss supplement, you need to avoid using another fat loss pill. Most people try and mix two different fat loss supplements for best results. This needs to be avoided at all costs while using acai berries.
2. Never Ignore Your Weekly Stats
If you want to loose weight at warp speed, you need to maintain your weekly stats. If you do not maintain records, you can never really gauge your performance. For example, when I had started using the acai berries weight loss supplement, I used to monitor my weight every week. It was only when I started to realize that I was loosing weight on a daily basis that I was motivated to loose more.
3. Always Use The Prescribed Doses
In order to loose weight, you need to take the prescribed acai doses. Take a close look at the leaflet which you get along with the bottle and follow the doses as mentioned. If you lower the doses or increase them, you may never really be able to get the desired results. I stuck to the prescribed doses and lost over 32 pounds of body fat. You could do the same.
If you want to cure obesity using the acai berry detox supplement, you need to avoid using another fat loss pill, avoid ignoring your weekly progress and avoid ignoring your prescribed doses. If you follow these simple steps, you can cure your obesity like I did. In fact, you can loose your body weight at warp speed.
Hi, I'm Janet Pierce and I invite you to grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs helped me loose 32 pounds in 30 days. I'm sure they'd work wonders for you as well.
What To Know Before Buying Any Detox Kit
And of course, this is a quick-fix era. Everyone wants a quick fix solution. We don't want to engage in the work, but want a fast solution.
If you are among one of those who have bought the idea of getting a quick fix detox solution, then spend a few minutes reading this. It will help you.
You see, our bodies have their own natural way of detoxifying. We were made with certain organs, such as the liver, the kidney, skin intestines and lungs. All these organs are our natural detoxifying agents that act to detoxify and clean up our bodies of the many toxins- both internal and external. Without these natural tendencies to detoxify, most of us would have been dead long time ago.
So, don't believe the hype that the detox kits is all you need to detoxify your body of the toxins that exist.
The truth is that simply taking good care of your body and giving it the kind of food, water and other things that it needs and putting away the dangerous things from entering the body, can all help to assist it in detoxifying itself.
It is a fact that most of the detoxifying pills, juice teas, herbs and oils that are sold all over the place today have no real scientific foundation to back up their claims. Many people just take these pills, juice teas, herbs and oils without knowing exactly what they do in their bodies.
All you need to do, instead of spending huge amounts of money in buying just any detox kit out there, is to take good care of your body so that it will be strong enough to detoxify itself.
Lastly, ask the help of a professional before you buy any of the detox kits out there. These professionals can give you just one advice that can save your life.
Remember, your health is your wealth. If you end up buying detox kits that harm you instead of saving you, isn't that going to be a costly mistake?
So, take care of yourself by detoxifying the right way.
Acai Berry Detox - How Acai Berry Stood Up Against Fat Burning Pills in Our Test
1. It Burns Fat Faster
During the research it was found that the acai berry weight loss supplement had the ability to burn body fat at warp speed. When compared to the next best fat burning pill, it was found that the acai supplement was ten times more effective when it came to burning body fat in a natural way.
2. It Had No Side Effects
Another interesting find was the lack of side effects. As compared to fat burning pills, which were chemical based and considerable harmful if taken on a regular basis, the acai berries weight loss supplement was completely natural and devoid of ant harsh chemicals. Likewise, it had no adverse side effects involved.
3. Fat Converted Into Muscle
The third interesting find was the ability of the acai supplement to convert body fat into pure muscle. As compared to the other weight loss pills, the acai berries had an inbuilt quality to flush out the fat content and aid adequate muscle growth in a human body.
According to the researches, it is apparent that the acai berries weight loss supplement was way ahead of its nearest competitor. If you want to loose weight and retain sound health, you need to try and make use of this natural wonder from day one.
Grab your Free Trial packs of Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse TODAY. These Free Trial packs have been used successfully by millions of weight loss enthusiasts. They have also been recommended by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Oz.
A Natural Body Detox Diet Just May Be the Easiest
Most everyone these days leads a very fast paced lifestyle so we need our bodies to constantly be ready to get up and go. Stimulants or uppers are often taken to help you keep up with your lifestyle. These stimulants come in the form of nicotine, coffee, diet pills, and drugs. But the true reality is that after the initial shock, our bodies actually reverse and cause a loss of energy, headaches, and depression. Just the opposite of what we were trying to achieve.
So, what are toxins? Where do they come from and how are they harmful to us? First of all, there are two types of toxins; Exogenous or external, and Endogenous or internal. Exogenous come from outside sources such as pollution, drugs, smoke, etc… Endogenous toxins come from a viral or bacterial infection. Our bodies even create their own toxins called Autogenous toxins.
The surefire way to eliminate these toxins from the body is through body detoxification. This process is simply the removal of stored up toxins in the liver, kidneys, bloodstream, and colon. The best and easiest way to rid your body is through natural dieting. Simply put, natural detox is nothing more than changing your diet from a bad one to a good one. The main ingredient in a natural detox diet is raw foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Now, the body does detoxify itself naturally, and is most pronounced when the body is resting or during sleep, however, natural foods or stimulants such as sugar should be avoided. Sugar is a stimulant and used in a lot of fruit juices, so they should be avoided.
Naturally, the body detoxifies itself all day. The peak of detoxification occurs when the body is rested during sleep until noon. This is a way for the body to eliminate the toxins acquired from pollution, stimulants and nutrients. Instead of coffee, substitute your need to stay awake with Japanese or Chinese green tea. You can get the same rush as coffee but doesn’t contain substances which could irritate your stomach like coffee can.
Instead of diet pills to keep you going, try ingesting natural fruits to keep you going. Not only will they provide a necessary stimulating effect, they also contain natural detoxifying agents. Instead of red meats, try fish instead. Fish is a much better protein enriching food contains natural detoxifying agents also.
So before you spend money on a body detox diet program or pills, remember, the same results can be achieved just by changing your diet. You’ll not only feel better, you’ll save money in the process.
Don VanPelt is a writer for Body Detox Resources who has published many articles about body detoxification. Get all the best information on how to detox your body at Body Detox Resources.
Imagine a Detox Diet That You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Still Lose Weight!
When people say 'detox and diet' in the same sentence they get the wrong idea that you have to drink lemon juice, starve yourself and eat nothing for a week. Well that is far from the truth. What about eating as much as you want and still detox you body, is it possible ? Absolutely yes.
Firstly consider the word 'detox' - it is short for detoxification which means to remove the 'toxins' from your body. It is obviously best to do this in a controlled manner, and in an enjoyable environment. Ever heard the saying, garbage in garbage out ? If you constantly feed your body processed food and chemicals and other unnatural fats and impurities, it will eventually run rough and need a clean out. Many experts say "detoxification of the body is not necessary", that is only true if you have not shoved bucket loads of so called 'food' down your throat and avoided heavy medicines all your life.
Consider: Real Food: What to Eat and Why. So, let us once again consider the word 'detoxification'.
Most people want the magic pill. Honestly, it is so much easier to 'pop a magic pill', but they don't exist. Can you imagine driving in your car and you see a warning light come on that says you need to clean your fuel line. Would you disconnect the warning light or would you get your fuel line cleaned ? As inconvenient as it is, and after much rough and jerky driving, you would probably end up getting the fuel line cleaned (and the filter replaced). Why is your body any different ? Get your fuel line cleaned ! and you will notice the difference in your body 'driving' performance.
Consider the best type of detox diet, one that is wholesome, healthy and enjoyable. Feed your body whole foods that are not processed, coupled with exercise and you will detox your body. So, what are whole foods and what are the best type during this type of diet ? Believe it or not... raw fruit and vegetables for at least 14 days. How can this be? Where and I going to get all of my nutrients and energy levels ? You guess it, from the fresh fruit and vegetables. No meat. Remember this is a detox diet and you are ridding your body of all the processed foods and chemicals and excess fats. If you do this for 2 straight weeks with drinking plenty of water, and even exercise every day for at least 40 minute walk, then you would have 'flushed your body' from the toxins that had previously built up in your body. And yes - eat as much as you want. There are of course certain vegetables you should avoid during this time if you are looking to lose weight as well, which are the high GI foods (potatoes, etc).
If you are serious about this, then it is a 'no-brain-er'. If you are only toying with the idea, then you may want to settle for something else. So what is two weeks out of your life on a filling diet that will only benefit you, and detox your body ? Good for you that is what. Enjoy the journey - because you are worth it.
There are many more tips and information available on our website. See what recipes and food ideas possible on a raw food diet at David enjoys great health because of the principle outlined on this site. Great health is part of our life, and should be appreciated everyday.
Want to Try Body Detox?
Dieting and exercising means the continuous adherence to proper food and physical activities, not the kind of situation where one workouts but would turn to greasy burgers and donuts afterwards to replenish the "energy" used while exercising, or will still smoke a cigarette because of the stress or frustration he got from lifting heavy barbells. Of course, other different methods were discovered and are being discovered because of the growing popularity of body detoxification. These refer to pills and herb supplements and follow a body detox program.
The Starting Point
Body detoxification, as many people are already familiar with now, is the elimination of the toxins ingested that are harmful to the body. This takes place on the kidneys, intestines, skin, lymph and lungs. Also, detox involves the removal of the toxic substances stored in body fat. When you decide to take on a body detox program, you should be aware of some factors that would certainly be helpful during the process. Here are some tips you should keep in mind before going for the body detox program:
* Know your body
It is very important that you know and understand your body, as well as your health history, when you go for a full body detox. In some cases, many people are not aware that they have hereditary health problems. There are also people who are not aware that they have allergies or dangerous reactions to certain chemicals and medicines until they are already experiencing them. Now that many body detox methods involve pills and herbs, you should know which type you should avoid to prevent complications during the detox program.
* Consult a nutritionist
Before you choose the type of body detox plan you have in mind, you should consult a nutritionist first so that you can understand more about the effects of the detox process. You may not know that although the detox will result to a healthier you, you may experience side effects during your body detox program. For example, if you decide to take on a fasting program without supervision, your body may not adjust well to the changes of your food intake. Some fasting programs may be too rigorous that it is possible that you will not sustain it. This can affect the detox process itself.
* Test your body detox program slowly
Now that you know the herbs or supplements that are right for your body, you should remember that even if these are safe and effective, start by taking small doses. This is to avoid the Herxheimer Reaction, which happens when you attempt to detoxify too quickly but your body cannot keep up and the removal of the toxins is also not fast enough. The symptoms of the Herxheimer Reaction are headaches, nausea and vomiting. The same goes with fasting. From there, you can decide whether to continue with your detox program or shift to another one.
It is always good to consider these factors to ensure a desirable outcome from your body detox. Starting right will ensure a more desirable outcome.
John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.
What You Should Know About Opiate Treatment and Detox
The preferred method of getting clean from opiates for most people is to check into a drug rehab. This is ideal for a number of reasons. First of all, if you do anything else, you are going to be on the outside and temptation to relapse will be much greater. In a rehab setting you will not have quick access to drugs, so it is going to be much easier for you to stay clean for a few weeks.
Second of all, if you go to inpatient rehab, you will have support from other people who are going through the same struggle you are. This is a much bigger help than most people anticipate, and can really make a huge difference. Finally, one of the biggest pluses for going to rehab is that they will be able to give you a medical detox, in which you will probably be given medication that will seriously curtail your withdrawal symptoms. This alone should be worth the price of admission for almost any opiate addict who is struggling to get clean.
Learn more about Suboxone treatment and also about Hydrocodone detox.
Sleep Better Without Pills
It is more common these days that your doctor will prescribe a sleeping pill rather than address your diet and the types of toxins in your system. By doing a cell detox on a regular basis you not only improve you sleep time, but you will solve other health issues you have.
It is a constant struggle your body goes through trying to rid your system of toxins. They are all around you through air, water, smoke, etc.. This makes you tired and even though you may need sleep you can't because you body needs to keep working to get rid of toxins. By adding pills you may sleep, but are you really getting a good sleep?
By doing a cell detox you take away a lot of the burden your system has to do now to get rid of the toxins. You will find that you can sleep without pills, wake up refreshed and don't have to worry about the side effects those pills might have. The best time to do a detox is right before bed, then take a shower and enjoy a good nights sleep.
What a benefit it would be if you could feel this way again. You can if you take a few moments to learn the benefits of a cell detox. With a portable sauna it only takes you 3 to 4 times a week and only 1/2 hour per session. This is in the comfort of your own home.
If you haven't heard of Infrared technology it is a new form of sauna that makes it convenient and affordable for you to own. The portable version is perfect for small spaces or taking it on trips.
if you are not able to exercise, this technology simulates the effect of a cardio workout by stimulating the cells and creating cardio benefits. All the benefits of a good nights sleep will quickly return only after a few sessions.
If you are tired of being tired
If you have headaches
If you want to sleep better without pills.
Go To Detox Tune-Up and see more of the benefits the Infrared Portable Sauna can bring to You.
Acai Berry Pills
When you decide to lose some weight or do a body detox, the Acai Berry cleanse allows your body to get back to the way it should be. Although we all have a liver to remove all things not intended for our bodies, the Acai Berry, a #1 superfood, is full of amino acids, protein and other good things our bodies need to stay fit and healthy. In order for your body to get back to the way it was intended to be used, it is a must that you find this %100 pure. There are some Acai products that for some reason, have other fruits added to the product. Now tell me, how does is this supposed to help you attain your detox goal or stay healthy goal? It does not and this is why finding the %100 pure Acai Berry pills is very important. The Acai Berry Pills can be purchased online easily.
This Acai Berry is an all around pure product, from nature, for your body and mind. Currently, people who take it in pills use it for these reasons: help their digestive tract function properly, increase their energy level, if some has a high cholesterol level, this helps regulate cholesterol, maybe someone has an autoimmune disorder, this fruit increases the missing amino acid their body needs and the list of things the acai berry is good for goes on and on.
When you take acai berry pills, on a daily basis, the , the antioxidants in this tiny berry also allow for a slow aging process. That is amazing that one tiny purple berry can slow down the aging process and keep you and your skin healthy and vibrant. Did you know that the acai berry is also rich on fatty acids? Well it is and this is very important to your body. The fatty acids are rich in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9.
If you are going to purchase the Acai Berry, it can be purchased in three forms: juice, powder or capsules. It all depends on what way to take it works best for you. There has never been a better way to detox your body and lose weight at the same time. It all begins with a tiny purple berry nature has provided for us.
Get your Pure Acai Berry Pills and start to lose weight, look younger and feel great Now in:
What Are Detox Drinks?
Some legal products actually contain small amounts of illegal chemicals. All tests, including the GC/MS, will test you positive because the metabolites derived from the true positive are identical to the metabolites of the illegal drugs.
Detox products are drinks, pills, or effervescent tablets taken one hour before your test to block the body's production of toxins for a 5 hour window. There are preliminary procedures recommended for a couple of days prior to your deadline, whereby you drink a lot of water, eat lighter meals and abstain from toxins. This will aid in reducing your toxin levels. Then on the day of the test, take the drink or pills and all toxins will be blocked from being released for up to five hours. You may also take the Pre-Cleanse products for extra effectiveness. They come in a pill form. Taken 12 to 24 hours before your test they help to reduce your toxin levels. We also carry constant cleanse - a month's supply of cleansing capsules. Use in conjunction with the detox drinks, pills, or effervescent tablets.
The Detox Drink is a detoxifying product that holds the toxins in your body allowing you to pass a urine drug test. Many toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body and are released when fat cells are burned. The Detox Drinks prevents the body from burning fat cells for up to 5 hours so the toxins are never released. The Detox Drink works on all toxins and is undetectable. The Detox Drinks is designed for individuals, who smoke 4 times a week or less. If the individual is over 200 lbs., it is recommend they consume two drinks before a test, and drink two full bottles of water. Most Detox Drinks a 99.6% success rate in passing drug tests if the directions are followed. Shake the bottle before drinking. Drink entire contents, then after 15 minutes, drink 16 oz. of water. Wait 45 minutes to be effective.
Normal Procedures
1. Avoid toxins 48 hours before deadline.
2. Do not drink more than 16 oz. of water per hour.
3. On the day of the deadline, eat and drink normal quantities, avoid foods high in sugar.
4. If possible, schedule drug test deadline for the afternoon and urinate 3 - 4 times after consuming the Detox Drink.
5. Drink is effective for 45 minutes to 5 hours, however peak effectiveness is at 2 hours.
6. As with any drug test, avoid foods or drinks high in sugar content (fruit juices) and avoid strenuous exercise the day of the drug test. Otherwise, eat and drink normally.
7. The drink tastes better if it is refrigerated prior to consumption.
Urine should be between 91 and 97 degrees. NIDA certified labs will verify temperature. If it isn't, they will suspect you added water to the cup, or used substitution. Disposable pocket hand warmers (sold in department stores) will keep a urine sample warm, provided that the urine is in a condom or douche bag.
What Are Detox Drinks?
Some legal products actually contain small amounts of illegal chemicals. All tests, including the GC/MS, will test you positive because the metabolites derived from the true positive are identical to the metabolites of the illegal drugs.
Detox products are drinks, pills, or effervescent tablets taken one hour before your test to block the body's production of toxins for a 5 hour window. There are preliminary procedures recommended for a couple of days prior to your deadline, whereby you drink a lot of water, eat lighter meals and abstain from toxins. This will aid in reducing your toxin levels. Then on the day of the test, take the drink or pills and all toxins will be blocked from being released for up to five hours. You may also take the Pre-Cleanse products for extra effectiveness. They come in a pill form. Taken 12 to 24 hours before your test they help to reduce your toxin levels. We also carry constant cleanse - a month's supply of cleansing capsules. Use in conjunction with the detox drinks, pills, or effervescent tablets.
The Detox Drink is a detoxifying product that holds the toxins in your body allowing you to pass a urine drug test. Many toxins are stored in the fat cells of the body and are released when fat cells are burned. The Detox Drinks prevents the body from burning fat cells for up to 5 hours so the toxins are never released. The Detox Drink works on all toxins and is undetectable. The Detox Drinks is designed for individuals, who smoke 4 times a week or less. If the individual is over 200 lbs., it is recommend they consume two drinks before a test, and drink two full bottles of water. Most Detox Drinks a 99.6% success rate in passing drug tests if the directions are followed. Shake the bottle before drinking. Drink entire contents, then after 15 minutes, drink 16 oz. of water. Wait 45 minutes to be effective.
Normal Procedures
1. Avoid toxins 48 hours before deadline.
2. Do not drink more than 16 oz. of water per hour.
3. On the day of the deadline, eat and drink normal quantities, avoid foods high in sugar.
4. If possible, schedule drug test deadline for the afternoon and urinate 3 - 4 times after consuming the Detox Drink.
5. Drink is effective for 45 minutes to 5 hours, however peak effectiveness is at 2 hours.
6. As with any drug test, avoid foods or drinks high in sugar content (fruit juices) and avoid strenuous exercise the day of the drug test. Otherwise, eat and drink normally.
7. The drink tastes better if it is refrigerated prior to consumption.
Urine should be between 91 and 97 degrees. NIDA certified labs will verify temperature. If it isn't, they will suspect you added water to the cup, or used substitution. Disposable pocket hand warmers (sold in department stores) will keep a urine sample warm, provided that the urine is in a condom or douche bag.
Detox Diets: My Experience on the "Fast Track"
I decided it was time to make a major play for my health - I decided to undertake a detox diet.
What detox diet did I choose? I ended up choosing the "One Day Detox Diet : The Fast Track" by Anne Louise Gittleman, a renowned nutritionist who's written several books on eating right, including the "Fat Flush" series which has gained quite a bit of notoriety as of late.
My Experience on the Detox Diet
Well, let me start off by saying, the Fast Track Detox is in fact, a diet that is eleven days long in total, the eighth day is actually the juice fast that the cover speaks of. What I didn't know is that in order to fast correctly, you have to prep your body, or else a fast may do more harm than good in terms of your metabolism, withdrawal symptoms, releasing of toxins etc. I had absolutely no problem with this part.
I didn't expect to really rid my body of the harmful toxins and excess fat storages that had been built for, heck, probably years, to all be flushed away in a one day juice fast diet.
This diet consists mainly of fresh organic foods which the author has picked specifically to perform certain "cleansing" functions to the various organs in your body which are in the most desperate need of cleansing. What are these organs? The liver, kidneys and the colon and digestive tract. That didn't surprise me, especially knowing the number of times I've heard the doomsday stories of how all of our colons have stagnant, rotting fecal matter due to decades of build up and toxic foods, and what about our livers and kidneys? Do you think they haven't suffered as well?
I like this particular detox diet, because not only does it provide me with the shopping list, the recipes and the specifics of how to eat and what to eat for the detox to work, but she also takes the time to explain thoroughly the reasons behind the specific food choices. In other words, she tells you what part of your body these foods help to cleanse and detoxify.
This knowledge REALLY helped me to visualize the damage I've probably caused to my major organs by choosing foods that not only had tons of chemicals and pesticides, but also contained a lot of low carb replacement sugars, which I thought were good for me. Not so. By visualizing my new body and how I would be mending my internal organs and bringing them back to optimal function and losing my extra weight, this really helped me to get through the tougher parts of the diet, which for me were about three days in, and now.
Why do I say "now"? Well, as I am writing this article, I am doing the one day juice fast part of the detox diet, and was suddenly inspired to write this article. It is now April 17th, at 6:36 p.m., and yes, I have gone all day without any food. I've followed my fasting to the letter, and guess what? I'm alive and kicking! Not only that I feel good. I have energy, and I feel a sense of relief for not having to worry about food for the day.
The hunger pains have come and gone, and I feel a kind of mental clarity that I haven't felt in a while. I'm envisioning how the special juice is detoxifying my body, and it's making it much easier to know that I will also now go without dinner.
Plus, I'm thinking of how good that first savory bite of food will be in the morning! All in all, I'm very glad I've come this far in detoxifying my body, and I have to say, I do feel good. I do believe that there really is something to the fact that we periodically need to give our body's a break from the barrage of environmental toxins as well as food weighed down with various toxins, by going on a detox diet. I think if you try one, you'll know exactly what I mean. You'll look at your food in a whole new light.
Visit Dieting Magazine: Diet Pill Reviews, Weightloss Supplements for diet tips, diet pill reviews, weightloss equipment reviews, and diet reviews. Danna Schneider is the cofounder of Diet News Daily.
Acai Detox Extreme Review - Where to Buy Acai Detox Extreme
The amazing healing properties of this berry have compelled many companies to produce several Acai supplements in the market. One such supplement that is ranking high among the top ten Acai health products is Acai Detox Extreme. It exhibits tremendous health benefits to our body in an effective way.
Each pill of this supplement aims at improvisation of your health naturally. This natural detox is 100% safe with no harmful preservatives and other chemicals. It is specifically designed to reduce your weight by accelerating fat loss metabolism in your body.
Some of the benefits of Acai Detox Extreme are as follows:
Detoxifies and purifies all disease causing free radicals
Unclogs your colon and cleans digestive tract
Improves your metabolism
Corrects bowel movement and overall circulation
Strengthens your immune system
Enhances your skin, hair and vision
Improves your concentration and endurance
Ensures more restful sleep
All these features of this supplement make it perfect substitute for a complete diet.Regular dosage of this supplement as prescribed by the manufacturer will help you lose weight and build muscle, faster than you could possibly do on your own. This natural detoxification method gives you flattened stomach and carved body without putting much effort.
As per your information this fairly new product is now available on free trial basis on the internet. You can get this product easily at your respective address by paying just its S&H charges on its website.
Get additional information or to request FREE Acai Detox Extreme, Visit --- > Acai Detox Extreme.
FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!
Acai Berry Detox Dietary Supplement - Detoxification Using Acai Berry Dietary Supplements
Acai berry detox and dietary supplement is a good source of fiber with elevated level of this property; making your detoxification process more effective. Fibers are popular toxin binders; detaching the toxin buildup from the intestinal walls of your colon and making it easier for the body to flush them out as part of fecal wastes. Moreover, its detoxification effect is very effective that it will almost completely remove all toxin buildup in your system; while helping you reduce weight as a result of the effective removal of toxic wastes weighing around five to ten pounds depending on your regular consumption of unhealthy foods.
Another good thing about this product is that it is good source of amino acids which makes it beneficial for people wanting to buildup muscle mass along with regular workout in the gym. Acai berry detox dietary supplements can help by increasing your metabolism and rapidly burn more calories during exercise; shredding off remarkable amount of excess pounds in your body along the way.
Furthermore, aside from colon cleansing, you also get to enjoy other health advantages such as antiaging effect because of its extremely elevated level of antioxidant; making your skin glowing and look refreshingly young. Additionally, its antioxidant property improves your resistance against infectious diseases and other illness with strong immune system; and it further boosts your energy to amazingly new heights.
On top of the aforementioned health advantages, it will also supply you with your required daily nutrients because it contains sufficient amount of essential vitamins and minerals; along with essential fatty acids like Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 which help enhance your cholesterol profile and cardiovascular health.
With a lot of health benefits from your single pill, your acai berry detoxification and dietary supplement is one of the best ways of effectively performing colon cleansing because you also get to lose weight along the way; while enhancing your immune system, increases your energy level, and further reinforces your daily nutritional requirements for healthier life.
Want to know more about acai berry pills? Please read my Acai Berry Pills Reviews which can help you choose the best acai berry product for you.
Body Detox Methods
Here are the types of body detox programs you can try:
Juice Fasting
By the word juice itself, this kind of fasting refers to the drinking of vegetable and fruit juices to help in the detoxification process. Here, it is important to remove certain food in your diet such as red meat. Actually, in juice fasting, you should not eat any solid food, most especially cooked ones and animal products. Juice fasting results to a dramatic loss of body fat that eventually leads to an increase in metabolism and a better digestion, where the absorption of nutrients will improve unquestionably.
Herbal Detox
This kind of body detox program comes in the form of powders, pills or tea. Because of the vast selection of herbs found everywhere, you may pick the wrong type of herb for the organ you want to detoxify that would lead to side effects. That is why, there are specific types of herbs that are helpful for particular body part. For example, the Dandelion root and birch leaves are good for the cleansing of the liver, while cayenne, sage and ginger are used to cleanse the kidneys.
Detox Bath and Sauna
When you sweat, you are already shedding off those harmful toxins in your body. That is why exercise or physical activity is essential in living a healthy life. But if you’re not up to jogging or lifting those barbells, then you can try a detox bath or a sauna. In a detox bath, you should soak yourself in water with baking soda or sea salt. You soak for 15-20 minutes and scrub your skin gently with natural soap and a natural fiber cloth. The darkness of the water indicates you are eliminating the toxins from your body.
Bowel Cleansing
Eating high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, high-fiber cereals or having a gentle natural laxative are ways to cleanse your bowel. In addition, if you practice to eat raw fruits and vegetables you are accumulating enzymes that are potent and multipurpose detoxifiers, not to mention, vitamins that naturally have antioxidants in them.
Yogurt is the best source of what they call the “good bacteria”. If you want to detoxify, then you should look for yogurts that have the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and the Bifido bacteria. These will defend your body from the unhealthy bacteria, eliminate toxic chemicals and still provide nutrients.
Body wrap detox
Sea clay is used in a body wrap detox. The sea clay compresses the soft tissues of the skin when it enters your pores until it reaches the toxins that are found in the skin. As this happens, the repositioning of the body fats’ cells also occurs, which consequently helps in the elimination of the toxins.
John Khu is a health enthusiast and author of a new eBook titled "Body Detox Tips". He is devoted to educate others on the benefit of body detoxification. He is also the owner of the website called which provides complete and up-to-date information.
Do Detox Teas Really Live Up to the Hype?
Imagine all of the contaminants, pollutants, and other gunk that you're exposed to on a daily basis-all coming from simple things like food, air & water alone! We won't even talk about tobacco and drugs! In most people today, these contaminants come in but don't leave the body. This can cause a lot of damage to the body if it goes unchecked.
What's the solution to this problem? Detox teas! Sure you can take a pill, but who wants a product with little to no effect at all on the body? And who knows what else goes in those pills? Detox teas are a safe and effective way of ridding your body of toxins and increasing immunity in the body. It also improves the liver (responsible for elimination) and other organ functions.
We can't even begin to talk about your body's own detoxification system, without talking about the liver first . The liver metabolizes and/or secretes drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins. These substances can lead to poor liver function. There are various particular detox teas that are specifically designed for detoxing the liver. We recommend using this tea. It contains herbs that are proven in their ability to clean out the blood and promote healthy liver function.
The colon is also a key player of the body's elimination system. Years of poor eating and drinking habits will cause the colon to get 'backed up,' per say. As the colon gets backed up, so goes the whole digestive tract. This stops nutrients from being absorbed by the body. Detox teas can eliminate the plaque and also raise the level of the body's immunity. Some ingredients that they have are rhubarb, senna, raspberry leaf, cascara sagrada, and barberry bark. These teas can also encourage weight loss and promote regularity.
Detox teas should always be used as directed. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. They should not be taken for more than 30 consecutive days.
If you're serious about your health, do something about it!
Different Kinds of Detox Diets
To find out more about Detox Diets , take a moment and
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Want To Live Longer? Detox Today!
The air we breathe, the water we drink, even the food we eat is polluted in one way or the other. This is because the air we breathe has carbon byproducts and the water we drink has heavy metals and the food we eat is not as natural as it should be. Most of it is chemically enhanced or genetically modified one way or the other.
All these things make the statement that "We live in a very toxic age" very true!
In order to live longer and healthier there is a growing need to detoxify our bodies. If you don't detox regularly, these poisonous substances from the air you breath, the water you drink and the food you eat will lead to ill-health such as insomnia, gastric problems, poor skin, premature aging due to accumulation of toxins over the years and ultimately untimely death.
You can decide to naturally detox or take herbs and vitamins to detox. A lot of people choose to detox naturally because they know the body has its own ability to clean itself up.
Our bodies have natural defenses and resources that work to constantly to clean up our systems, even when we sleep.
Unfortunately, most people's bodies are unable to detox mainly because of poor health. If the body is performing at optimal level, it should be able to detox itself.
As I've mentioned before, because of the polluted air, water and food we eat, it becomes impossible for anyone's body to perform at optimal level. There is always some form of pollution affecting the body one way or the other.
That is why it is necessary to use some detox herbs and vitamins to assist the body in detoxifying itself. These detox herbs and vitamins can help to restore the body to its optimal level, thereby giving it the strength to detox it self.
These detox herbs and vitamins and some healthy habits can really go a long way in helping the body to take care of it self, thereby allowing us to live longer.
So, if you want to live longer and healthier, there is the need to constantly detoxify your system either naturally or with the help of detox herbs and vitamins.
Want To Live Longer? Detox Today!
The air we breathe, the water we drink, even the food we eat is polluted in one way or the other. This is because the air we breathe has carbon byproducts and the water we drink has heavy metals and the food we eat is not as natural as it should be. Most of it is chemically enhanced or genetically modified one way or the other.
All these things make the statement that "We live in a very toxic age" very true!
In order to live longer and healthier there is a growing need to detoxify our bodies. If you don't detox regularly, these poisonous substances from the air you breath, the water you drink and the food you eat will lead to ill-health such as insomnia, gastric problems, poor skin, premature aging due to accumulation of toxins over the years and ultimately untimely death.
You can decide to naturally detox or take herbs and vitamins to detox. A lot of people choose to detox naturally because they know the body has its own ability to clean itself up.
Our bodies have natural defenses and resources that work to constantly to clean up our systems, even when we sleep.
Unfortunately, most people's bodies are unable to detox mainly because of poor health. If the body is performing at optimal level, it should be able to detox itself.
As I've mentioned before, because of the polluted air, water and food we eat, it becomes impossible for anyone's body to perform at optimal level. There is always some form of pollution affecting the body one way or the other.
That is why it is necessary to use some detox herbs and vitamins to assist the body in detoxifying itself. These detox herbs and vitamins can help to restore the body to its optimal level, thereby giving it the strength to detox it self.
These detox herbs and vitamins and some healthy habits can really go a long way in helping the body to take care of it self, thereby allowing us to live longer.
So, if you want to live longer and healthier, there is the need to constantly detoxify your system either naturally or with the help of detox herbs and vitamins.
Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days - Cabbage Soup Diet Or Detox Colon Cleanse?
Celebrities are raving about the detox diet pills that allowed them to drop weight in a flash. By flushing your system clean of impurities and toxins that are making your body sluggish, you can lose weight, have an increase in overall health, and have new found levels of energy.
Simply pop your herbal, natural detox pill with your meals.
The alternative is the cabbage soup diet that has similar weight loss affects. The difference with this diet is you have to change your food consumptions dramatically. That means tossing everything you have and buying all new groceries so you can live off low-calorie soup everyday for the next week.
You will lose weight, but in this case it comes with a cost.
That's why Hollywood is such a supporter of colon cleanse diets, which can have great health benefits, allow you to drop 10 pounds or more in 7 days, and increase your metabolism. This diet plan doesn't include starving yourself and replacing solid food with water and a little bit of vegetable.
With a colon cleanse, you'll flush away all the toxins and parasites in your system, which will leave you feeling rejuvenated and feeling great. Many experience increases in metabolism, which will burn fat even while you are at rest and without starvation.
Lose weight quickly and increase you energy levels.
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Detox - What Are the Components of a Safe Detox Diet?
You can detoxify your body either naturally with the help of detox fruit juices, oils, organic fresh fruits and raw veggies and soups, or you can take the help of detox pills, drugs, supplements etc which can often result in unpleasant adverse reactions.
It is best to stick to a safe detox diet. So what are the components of a safe detox diet? It consist mainly of organic or farm fresh fruits and vegetables of all kinds, fruit and vegetable juices or green smoothies, which are fast becoming a top favorite for detox. You can add gluten free grains and pulses as well if you like. Some even include meat but you will have more energy for detox if you rest your digestive system.
Avoid withdrawal symptoms
If your existing diet is full of coffee, alcohol, processed and junk food then you will undoubtedly feel sick and very weak if you change your diet too suddenly. A safe detox diet will take you gradually through the changes so you should not suffer withdrawal symptoms.
Some detox regimes put you through a juice fast for 7 days. If you are very toxic then you will most likely get a lot of detox symptoms. You really don't have to go through this if you follow a safe detox. It's far better to treat your body gently and maybe start with a 1 or 2 day juice fast at your first attempt. Wen you are more experienced and less toxic you can try longer periods of juice fasting or juice "feasting" which does not leave you hungry or short of energy.
Alkalize with lemon juice
One of the safest and most popular detox diets calls for a cleansing lemon and oil drink first thing in the morning. Lemon juice has multiple benefits - it acts as an all round cleanser of the body, it can boost circulation by thinning the blood, it can strengthen the kidneys and the liver. It also helps in boosting the body's immune system by stimulating the white blood cells.
When your diet consists mostly of red meat and processed foods your body may become acidic, giving rise to free radicals. A lemon detox drink can help keep the body alkaline.
Support your detox system
Beware of detox diets that starve you. You will find them hard to stick to, leave you lacking in nutrients and make you feel ill. A safe detox will contain foods and supplements designed to support your detox system. Researchers have discovered what it is in fruit and vegetables and other foods that help push the detox system. Believe it or not you can eat tasty food and still detox.
To learn more about detox get my Free Report at The Detox Specialist
(c) 2009. Sandy Halliday is a nutritionist and health researcher with over 20 years experience of many different types of detoxification programs and is the author of a new ebook The Definitive Detox Diet
THC Detox: What is It?
Marijuana is legal in some areas. In fact, many groups and individuals believe that marijuana is just as harmful as tobacco and alcohol ? and both of them are legal. Given this fact, the government somehow fails to hear the pleas of concerned citizens to fully ban the cultivation and use of such plant. In certain places, marijuana can be grown freely. It can be cultivated inside one's backyard both for medicinal uses and ornamental purposes.
The effect of THC in a person can be very derogatory. For starters, it can negatively affect one's memory retention. THC can reduce your ability to learn as the substance interferes with your brain's functions. And if taken in dangerous amounts, THC can bring about delirium, confusion, and anxiety. THC is usually absorbed into the person's liver and fatty tissues. And it stays there for an extended period of time. The traces of THC can be detected in one's urine. This is the reason why drug tests involve urinalysis.
Only detox can successfully remove THC from your body. The procedure may be long and tedious for those who are deeply addicted to marijuana or have been using it for a long period of time. What's more, THC should be carefully removed from the body. Abrupt removal may cause withdrawal symptoms that are just as dangerous. The withdrawal symptoms can even be fatal to some people.
THC detox can only be carried out inside accredited rehabilitation centers or health centers. Health experts are tasked to diagnose the patient admitted in their ward. They need to determine the extent and the projected amount of THC present inside the person for the right procedures to be carried out. This is a very crucial step, because the wrong assessment may lead to the development of the withdrawal symptoms.
If you are not using marijuana regularly but would like to cleanse your body of the possible remnants of the substance, you can try to use THC detox pills that can be bought at special health stores. However, these pills are not supposed to be taken without the guidance of a doctor. Whether or not you're addicted to marijuana, you are could suffer from withdrawal symptoms if you are not careful. And this is the hardest part in a detoxification process.
THC detox can be very challenging. THC is a toxin of the nerves. It damages the brain's cells and works similar to a virus. These are the reason why taking this harmful substance out of the body is very important. If you keep it inside you longer, you might suffer severe health consequences in the future. Pursue THC detox and come clean
Part 2 - For part two of this article, head on to where you can also find the real truth about detox body wrap and full body detox.
Orovo Detox Scam - A Must Read Before You Buy!
Get the tried, trusted and guaranteed to work Lemon Cayenne Pepper Detox Diet Recipe FREE. Learn how to add safe foods to this detox plan by using Master Cleanse Secrets which is a must read if you are serious about detoxing your body!
Orovo Detox Review - Do Orovo Detox Pills Work?
Get the Lemon Cayenne Pepper Detox Diet Recipe FREE. Learn how to add safe foods to this detox plan by using Master Cleanse Secrets which is a must read if you are serious about detoxifying your body!
Acai Berry Detox Pills - Detoxification With Acai Berry Pills
One of the main properties this remarkable fruit is its high fiber content which makes it very effective in flushing out the buildup of toxins in your body. Harmful materials in your system are supposed to be naturally eliminated by the body as fecal wastes; however, toxins acquired from consumption of unhealthy food are hardly eliminated by the body because they attach to the intestinal walls in your colon.
Hence, as you continue to consume unhealthy foods, the toxic wastes attached to the intestinal walls gradually buildups over time since they are not eliminated by the body naturally. These harmful deposits can greatly affect the health of your colon. Considering that this part of your body is connected to most of your systems, hence its unhealthy state can further affect the condition of your other systems connected to it.
Fibers are one of the properties which your acai berry detox pills contain that makes it highly effective for this purpose because fibers are known to bind to toxins; making them unable to attach to the intestinal walls. Once they are detached, they can be easily eliminated by the body naturally; thus, making them very effective for colon cleansing.
Effective elimination of toxins in your body can further reduce your weight because the buildup of harmful deposits usually weighs in around 5 to 10 lbs. and having that amount efficiently flushed out from your system could greatly result to lose weight by about the same amount.
Furthermore, it also contains important vitamins and minerals for healthier life; such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C and E. It is also a good source of iron and calcium; as well as essential fatty acids for improved health condition. Hence, your acai berry detox pills have a lot more health advantages than you can think of apart from colon cleansing; making it one of the best detoxification products in the market today.
Want to know more about acai berry pills? Please read my Acai Berry Pills Reviews which can help you choose the best acai berry product for you.
Detox and Cleanse
A full body detox is great for overall health and longevity purposes once or twice per year. I'll get into how to do that later. Right now lets talk about a basic cleanse that is gentle enough to use every day yet strong enough to work. Here is this simple recipe:
1.2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar I've heard that "Braggs" ACV is the best brand. Honestly, I've had wonderful results and have only used a generic supermarket brand which is about a dollar and change for about a liter.
2. 1/8-1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda (This will neutralize the vinegar so you don't harm the enamel on your teeth, it neutralizes in your stomach anyway so you are still getting all the benefits of the ACV. It is actually easier for your body to absorb what it needs to from the ACV if you neutralize it first. By taking out that step, you saved your body that work (read: work = energy) and now it can use all of its energy to absorb what it needs. You want to get it to about a 7% alkaline level. The ACV you buy in a grocery store is about 5%. The more that acid bothers you (GERD, acid reflux etc) the more Baking soda you should use. Start with 1/8 of a teaspoon and assess your tolerance. I have found ¼ teaspoon to be the magic number for me. Remember Baking Soda is sodium based, you may find yourself retaining a good amount of water for the first couple of days until your body becomes accustomed to the additional salt. I am extremely salt sensitive and couldn't get my feet in my heels the first night. Then again, you know me and my Jersey girl 6 inch stilettos!
3. ¼-1/2 fresh lemon juice
4. 1 Tablespoon Organic Honeyb
Add about 4-6 oz of water and drink 2-4x/day. If you can get it down once on an empty stomach, you're doing better than most people out there. I warm my water and make it into a tea. I find it to be a lot tastier when I throw in the additional (less palate pleasing) ingredients listed below.
1. 20 drops Ginger Extract. Ginger/Gingerol has TONS of benefits. Check out and tune in to the show on Ginger –The Uber Herb. Carl Lenor explains all the benefits of Ginger better than I ever could!!! (Gotta plug your boy, Carl, he let NY/NJ speed talker rant on his show for an hour, sweetiepie…u know me, I NEVER forget anyone who has helped me in my career!!).
2. 1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper, if you can stand it. Go slow with this to assess your tolerance. I LOVE spicy food so the first day, brass guts over here decided to throw an entire teaspoon right into the mix. I thought my throat was going to close. Me and my daring (read: dumb) Rosanneisms! Heehee. Cayenne pepper heals and rebuilds tissue of the digestive system, increases the effectiveness of other foods and herbs when used with them, and is also linked to healing the heart and cardiac tissue. Cayenne has been known to stop heart a ttacks. Contrary to popular belief, it does not cause ulcers, it actually heals them. That's if you can deal with the burn if you have one. Enough facts, lets get down the nitty-gritty of why everyone is reading this….cayenne is a natural thermogenic which has been proven to raise body temperature, boots metabolism and ultimately aid and speed fat loss. Just think increased circulation = increased lymph flow ( that means decreased cellulite ladies) = detox = ULTIMATE HEALTH, FATLOSS AND BODY WEIGHT MAINTENANCE (we'll get into that another time).
3. I've also been adding 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric Powder. It's an extremely acquired taste. To be perfectly frank, this stuff is icky…and I can stomach most everything "nasty." It helps restore flora in the intestinal track. Turmeric has also been proven to clear the skin of those who suffer from acne and blemishes, help eliminate facial hair growth in females (not sure that this is proven internally, but I found a lot of stuff on using it topically). CAREFUL w/ this stuff, however….it STAINS!! After all, one of its main old time uses was as a dye in India, where it originates. I learned this the hard way. It stains EVERYTHING! And I mean everything from bed sheets, clothing, towels, down to the skin on my face. Its a nasty orange color but stains a fluorescent yellow color…think the color of a yellow highlighter exploding all over you!
1. Milk thistle - The liver is the most important organ of detox in our bodies. Milk thistle helps support liver detoxification and healthy liver function.
2. DHEA – Caffeine addicts, fat burner fanatics, diet pill poppers….they don't work for you anymore for a reason. Most people just say, your body gets "used to them" which is medically known as "Adrenal Fatigue." Your adrenals are little glands located on top of each kidney. They are the major play ers when it comes to hormone secretion. Too much stress, not enough sleep, too many stimulants are all a big cause of adrenal overload. When they get overloaded, they do not function properly. DHEA helps "clean them out". If you can get your hands on Rx DHEA, I'm jealous. Seriously, if you go that route, please be carefully monitored by your physician. If you can't, regular drugstore DHEA is fine. Also, the only way to fully clean them out is to eliminate your stimulant intake (I know, I just went through my caffeine withdrawls last week…no fun but soooo worth it), eliminate the stress in your life and get your sleep.
3. ALOE VERA - Aloe Vera gel is one of the best digestive cleanses out there. I've been using it for a week both internally and on my skin and have noticed major differences. It is sold as a 'Detox' in most heath food and vitamin shops and also at your local grocery store as juice. You probably want to mask the taste, the plain juice tast es like dirty shower water.
4. Caster Oil - NOT TO USE OFTEN…stimulates spasm of your upper intestines, not just the lower intestine (like most other herbal or chemical laxatives) therefore, will clean out your entire intestinal tract. It will typically be effective w/ in 5 hours of taking and is so effective you may not pass your bowels for 3 or so days afterwards b/c you are so "cleaned out" (SORRY graphic I know but detoxing can be nasty!)
5. Psyllium Husk and other fiber supps – We want to eliminate everything in your digestive tract. Fiber helps this moves everything along more quickly.
6. Digestive Enzymes - You can get at your local vitamin store.
7. Papaya is the best natural digestive enzyme out there and its only a couple dollars at the grocery store. A delicious Brazilian shake, compliments of my sister in law: 1/2 papaya, 1/2 pineapple, Ice and water. Blend to desired consistency. DELICIOUS!
8. 1 serving of Greens Supple ment (I've tried many, evidentially Greens Plus is the best but I've gotta say Greens First is much better as far as taste. There are tons of brands out there and I'm not too sure if it really makes too much of a difference which you use). Mix your greens w/ 2 tablespoons of ground flax (either grind your flax seeds in a grinder, I use an espresso grinder or just buy "Flax-o-meal" at your local grocery store. STORE IN THE FRIDGE. Add to a large glass of water. This will naturally flush your system more quickly than anything I've tried thus far.
9. Fish Oils - Cod liver oil is awesome for detox but anything w/ EPA and DHA (is that right, don't have a bottle in front of me and don't have time to look it up as I am typing this out quickly to you.)
1. Drink TONS of water, obviously we are trying to flush your system
2. Limit sugar, sweetener, caffeine etc. Anything toxic to your system needs to be omitted or at least used very sparingly.
3. Exclude or limit dairy intake, it does not work well with cleansing. I didn't research this further, I will eventually, I just read it multiple times during my research and figured it to be a valuable point.
4. Limit intake of meats…ok very quickly, meat isn't digested and literally rots in your belly….ok, I'll stop there…u get my point!
5. Fiber, fiber, fiber. While you're detoxing the free radicals and toxins from your liver, kidneys and lymph will be released into your blood stream/lymph system and you want them OUT. The addition of a herbal laxative or fiber supplement is quite common in most detox programs.
6. Dry brush your stomach in a circular motion (15 times clockwise/15x counter clockwise) upon first waking to stimulate your bowels. Again, more on dry brushing later. It is very useful but too long to go into detail in this email.
7. The more RAW foods yo u can eat over cooked, the better. Raw fruit and veggies are all game. Don't worry about the sugar in fruit, you will not gain fat from eating fruit doing this. The best line from a weight watchers meeting one time….a girl said she was afraid of the sugar in fruit and a 300 pound lifer turned to her and said, "Honey look at me, do u think I got like this by eating too much fruit!" Raw nuts, beans, sprouts and fish are great protein sources. I am a physique competitor and wasn't worried about my 5 meals when I did my 2 week cleanse, but I did include whey protein because I wanted to keep protein intake slightly higher than carb intake. Remember whey protein will have sweeteners in there unless you use the unflavored kind so use it use it sparingly.
1. Taking tea tree oil baths or using mint oil extract body soaps will oxygenate the blood. The more oxygen in blood, the more circulation, more lymph flow …detox, anti cellulite, yadda yadda yadda!
2. Coconut oil or milk body lotion…same as above
3. Dry brushing and Contrast Shower Technique - I swear I was floored when I read the contrast shower thing because obviously you know where I heard of it first. Its all about stimulating lymph flow, detox and even anti-cancer benefits (especially breast cancer which is associated w/ lymph flow and drainage).
Drug and Alcohol Detox at Clearview Los Angeles
Medically facilitated detoxification services are available through our Primary Residential/Inpatient Program.
Detoxification (detox) can be defined as a period of treatment where an individual is helped to overcome their physical dependence on a substance. Detox is intended to relieve the physical symptoms of withdrawal and helps prepare the patient for entry into a treatment program or rehab center. The ultimate goal of detox is to prepare the patient for long term sobriety and recovery.
Alcohol detox can cause a variety of physical symptoms and psychological ramifications. The process of alcohol detox can be traumatic and can trigger any number of side effects including tremors (the shakes), headaches, vomiting, perspiration, restlessness, loss of appetite and insomnia. More serious effects of alcohol detox can be Delirium Tremors (DT's), autonomic hyperactivity and seizures (convulsions).
The time necessary for alcohol detox treatment can be anywhere from 3 to 10 days. A variety of medications and procedures are used to detox a patient from alcohol.
Withdrawal from drugs is caused by stopping or dramatically reducing drug use after heavy and prolonged use. The reaction frequently includes sweating, shaking, headache, drug craving, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, inability to sleep, confusion, agitation, depression, anxiety, and other behavioral changes.
Often, there is a significant, self induced, psychological dependence associated with these substances and therefore, a period of initial stabilization followed by residential treatment is advisable. Treatment of withdrawal (detox) includes closely monitoring the person's vital signs, supportive care and medications. The time period for drug detox is generally 3 to 7 days.
Detox at Clearview
Clearview provides detoxification services in a safe, comfortable, home-like environment. Clients work with a medical doctor who specializes in detoxification methods.
Proper detoxification and minimization of acute and post acute withdrawal symptoms are essential to the treatment process and can greatly increase the likelihood of a client successfully completing treatment.
Clearview utilizes the latest detoxification techniques and medications depending on the patient's pattern of abuse. When appropriate, Subutex and Suboxone are utilized for opiate detoxification. Our goal is to make the patient as comfortable as possible during the detoxification process.
Clients are rigorously monitored and receive support and guidance from our trained staff while they are detoxed. Gradually, they begin to participate in therapeutic services.
Common substances that clients are detoxed from include:
• Alcohol
• Cocaine
• Heroin and other opiates such as Vicodin and Oxycotin
• Benzodiazapines such as Xanax and Valium
• Stimulants pills such as Aderal and Ritalin
• Methamphetamine and speed
• Marijuana
• Club drugs such as Ecstasy and GHB
• Muscle relaxers
Clearview offers everything that traditional treatment programs for Alcoholism provide, and more. While standard education, counseling, relapse prevention, and introduction to 12-Step Programs make up the entire curriculum at most other programs, at Clearview it's just a beginning.