Ever wonder sometimes why you feel sluggish and slow? But you know that you are not clinically diagnosed with any ailments. The mind might be willing to get out of bed yet your body is telling you otherwise. Usually we try to cure this problem by overeating, smoking cigarettes, and drinking coffee. You might get a jolt, but it will only be temporary. We are just accumulating more and more toxins.
Most everyone these days leads a very fast paced lifestyle so we need our bodies to constantly be ready to get up and go. Stimulants or uppers are often taken to help you keep up with your lifestyle. These stimulants come in the form of nicotine, coffee, diet pills, and drugs. But the true reality is that after the initial shock, our bodies actually reverse and cause a loss of energy, headaches, and depression. Just the opposite of what we were trying to achieve.
So, what are toxins? Where do they come from and how are they harmful to us? First of all, there are two types of toxins; Exogenous or external, and Endogenous or internal. Exogenous come from outside sources such as pollution, drugs, smoke, etc… Endogenous toxins come from a viral or bacterial infection. Our bodies even create their own toxins called Autogenous toxins.
The surefire way to eliminate these toxins from the body is through body detoxification. This process is simply the removal of stored up toxins in the liver, kidneys, bloodstream, and colon. The best and easiest way to rid your body is through natural dieting. Simply put, natural detox is nothing more than changing your diet from a bad one to a good one. The main ingredient in a natural detox diet is raw foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Now, the body does detoxify itself naturally, and is most pronounced when the body is resting or during sleep, however, natural foods or stimulants such as sugar should be avoided. Sugar is a stimulant and used in a lot of fruit juices, so they should be avoided.
Naturally, the body detoxifies itself all day. The peak of detoxification occurs when the body is rested during sleep until noon. This is a way for the body to eliminate the toxins acquired from pollution, stimulants and nutrients. Instead of coffee, substitute your need to stay awake with Japanese or Chinese green tea. You can get the same rush as coffee but doesn’t contain substances which could irritate your stomach like coffee can.
Instead of diet pills to keep you going, try ingesting natural fruits to keep you going. Not only will they provide a necessary stimulating effect, they also contain natural detoxifying agents. Instead of red meats, try fish instead. Fish is a much better protein enriching food contains natural detoxifying agents also.
So before you spend money on a body detox diet program or pills, remember, the same results can be achieved just by changing your diet. You’ll not only feel better, you’ll save money in the process.
Don VanPelt is a writer for Body Detox Resources who has published many articles about body detoxification. Get all the best information on how to detox your body at Body Detox Resources.