Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days - Cabbage Soup Diet Or Detox Colon Cleanse?

Summer is here, but is your body ready for summer? There are a couple quick diet fixes that can get your firm and fit in just a few days, but what's going to give you a skinny stomach faster for you?

Celebrities are raving about the detox diet pills that allowed them to drop weight in a flash. By flushing your system clean of impurities and toxins that are making your body sluggish, you can lose weight, have an increase in overall health, and have new found levels of energy.

Simply pop your herbal, natural detox pill with your meals.

The alternative is the cabbage soup diet that has similar weight loss affects. The difference with this diet is you have to change your food consumptions dramatically. That means tossing everything you have and buying all new groceries so you can live off low-calorie soup everyday for the next week.

You will lose weight, but in this case it comes with a cost.

That's why Hollywood is such a supporter of colon cleanse diets, which can have great health benefits, allow you to drop 10 pounds or more in 7 days, and increase your metabolism. This diet plan doesn't include starving yourself and replacing solid food with water and a little bit of vegetable.

With a colon cleanse, you'll flush away all the toxins and parasites in your system, which will leave you feeling rejuvenated and feeling great. Many experience increases in metabolism, which will burn fat even while you are at rest and without starvation.

Lose weight quickly and increase you energy levels.

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