Imagine a Detox Diet That You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Still Lose Weight!

Fancy Eating as Much as You Want and on a Detox Diet and do a Better Job than anyone else ?

When people say 'detox and diet' in the same sentence they get the wrong idea that you have to drink lemon juice, starve yourself and eat nothing for a week. Well that is far from the truth. What about eating as much as you want and still detox you body, is it possible ? Absolutely yes.

Firstly consider the word 'detox' - it is short for detoxification which means to remove the 'toxins' from your body. It is obviously best to do this in a controlled manner, and in an enjoyable environment. Ever heard the saying, garbage in garbage out ? If you constantly feed your body processed food and chemicals and other unnatural fats and impurities, it will eventually run rough and need a clean out. Many experts say "detoxification of the body is not necessary", that is only true if you have not shoved bucket loads of so called 'food' down your throat and avoided heavy medicines all your life.

Consider: Real Food: What to Eat and Why. So, let us once again consider the word 'detoxification'.

Most people want the magic pill. Honestly, it is so much easier to 'pop a magic pill', but they don't exist. Can you imagine driving in your car and you see a warning light come on that says you need to clean your fuel line. Would you disconnect the warning light or would you get your fuel line cleaned ? As inconvenient as it is, and after much rough and jerky driving, you would probably end up getting the fuel line cleaned (and the filter replaced). Why is your body any different ? Get your fuel line cleaned ! and you will notice the difference in your body 'driving' performance.

Consider the best type of detox diet, one that is wholesome, healthy and enjoyable. Feed your body whole foods that are not processed, coupled with exercise and you will detox your body. So, what are whole foods and what are the best type during this type of diet ? Believe it or not... raw fruit and vegetables for at least 14 days. How can this be? Where and I going to get all of my nutrients and energy levels ? You guess it, from the fresh fruit and vegetables. No meat. Remember this is a detox diet and you are ridding your body of all the processed foods and chemicals and excess fats. If you do this for 2 straight weeks with drinking plenty of water, and even exercise every day for at least 40 minute walk, then you would have 'flushed your body' from the toxins that had previously built up in your body. And yes - eat as much as you want. There are of course certain vegetables you should avoid during this time if you are looking to lose weight as well, which are the high GI foods (potatoes, etc).

If you are serious about this, then it is a 'no-brain-er'. If you are only toying with the idea, then you may want to settle for something else. So what is two weeks out of your life on a filling diet that will only benefit you, and detox your body ? Good for you that is what. Enjoy the journey - because you are worth it.

There are many more tips and information available on our website. See what recipes and food ideas possible on a raw food diet at David enjoys great health because of the principle outlined on this site. Great health is part of our life, and should be appreciated everyday.